isotope removal serviceの例文
new zealand name removal service
In other countries it is voluntary, such as the New Zealand Name Removal Service.

border service of the federal security service of the russian federation
The "'Border Service of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation "'( ) is a branch of Federal Security Service of Russia tasked with patrol of the Russian border.

civil service faithful service medal
All officials, employees, and laborers at any level of the public service ( local, regional or national ) who completed 25 or more years service were eligible for The Civil Service Faithfu......

civil service faithful service medal in gold
All officials, employees, and laborers at any level of the public service ( local, regional or national ) who completed 40 or more years service were eligible for The Civil Service Faithfu......

civil service faithful service medal in silver
All officials, employees, and laborers at any level of the public service ( local, regional or national ) who completed 25 or more years service were eligible for The Civil Service Faithfu......

council of civil service unions v minister for the civil service
This landmark case, " Council of Civil Service Unions v Minister for the Civil Service ", was ultimately lost in the House of Lords. In " Council of Civil Service Unions v Minister for the......

public health service distinguished service medal
The Surgeon General is also the ultimate award authority for several public health awards and decorations, the highest of which that can be directly awarded is the Surgeon General's Medall......

public health service meritorious service medal
When worn on the uniform of a member of the Public Health Service Commissioned Corps, the ribbon is worn after the Public Health Service Meritorious Service Medal and before the Department......

public health service outstanding service medal
He has received many awards including the Assistant Secretary for Health Award and the U . S . Public Health Service Outstanding Service Medal.

absorbing isotope
The burn up of the absorbing isotopes is another limiting lifespan factor.

actinium isotope
The primary decay products of isotopes of protactinium lighter than ( and including ) 231 Pa are actinium isotopes and the primary decay products for the heavier isotopes of protactinium a......

activating isotope
The fallout-fine white flaky dust of calcinated Bikini Island coral, which absorbed highly radioactive fission products and neutron activated isotopes-fell on the ship for three hours.

aluminium isotope
Large enough Planetesimals were heated by the decay of aluminium isotope. The most common decay mode of the isotopes with mass numbers lower than the three stable isotopes is inverse beta ......

aluminum isotope
Some rat brains took up a much larger dose of the aluminum isotope, suggesting wide individual variations in susceptibility.

americium isotope
It is the americium isotope used in an americium smoke detector based on an ionization chamber. Initial experiments yielded four americium isotopes : 241 Am, 242 Am, 239 Am and 238 Am. The......

argon isotope
In the universe, argon-36 is by far the most common argon isotope, being the preferred argon isotope produced by stellar nucleosynthesis in supernovas. In the universe, argon-36 is by far ......

argon isotope ratio
"I think the argon isotope ratio measurement is very convincing, " said Dr . Kenneth A . Farley, a professor of geochemistry at the California Institute of Technology. Meanwhile, gases at ......

artificial isotope
When the age-dating researchers bombard potassium-40 with neutrons, they can create an artificial isotope of argon called argon-39. Twenty-eight artificial isotopes of zirconium have been ......

artificial radioactive isotope
Before dying, he confesses to experimenting with an artificial radioactive isotope, " serranium ", which he had bombarded with alpha particles for 200 hours ( 8 days and 8 hours ).

astatine isotope
Astatine-218 was the first astatine isotope discovered in nature. Lighter astatine isotopes have quite magic number corresponding to a filled neutron shell. Its alpha decay half-life is in......

atomic vapor laser isotope separation
USEC's hope is a new technology, called Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation, allows enrichment with one-tenth as much electricity. If atomic vapor laser isotope separation works and USEC......

band isotope effect
Band isotope effect

berkelium isotope
Nuclear reactors produce mostly, among the berkelium isotopes, berkelium-249 . During the storage and before the fuel disposal, most of it beta decays to californium-249 . The latter has a......

beryllium isotope
The primordial nuclide beryllium-9, the only stable beryllium isotope, is an example of this type of nuclide. Still other possible beryllium isotopes have even more severe mismatches in ne......

bismuth isotope
Even though only one bismuth isotope is used ( bismuth-209 ), the reaction may occur in three possible ways, producing astatine-209, astatine-210, or astatine-211.